centre of excellence

centre of excellence
Piccadilly Plaza
Manchester City Centre

Learn to Play the Piano – Beginners’ Video Course

Learn to Play the Piano – Beginners’ Video Course

Whats Involved

10 Modules , 10 Videos

Certified Course
Online study
Tutor support
No time limit for completing your course
150 hours of study

Learn to play the piano in the comfort of your home, at times that suit you, with a teacher who has years of experience, is always available, and will repeat everything as often as you need them to. Purchase the Learn to Play the Piano - Beginners' Video Course and discover your new passion.

Designed for absolute beginners, this course starts by talking you through how to go about making an informed decision when choosing your instrument. You’ll learn the important features of a piano and what the benefits are of choosing a digital or acoustic piano. If you already have a suitable piano to learn to play on, this information will still prove helpful in getting you better acquainted with it.

To ensure you develop good habits and avoid the bad, you will be shown both correct and incorrect hand postures. With this knowledge, you can keep checking your positioning and be aware of any poor habits that may start to form, so that you can correct them as you learn to play.

With proper posture established, you will learn the names of the notes on the keyboard and be introduced to what scales are and what makes up a scale. As you get to grips with where the notes are you will learn the correct way to travel up and down the keyboard. You will then move on to the basics of reading music – first getting to grips with how written musical notes correlate to the keys on your piano. As part of building this knowledge up, the course dissects a piece of sheet music and explains its component parts.

From these basics you will be shown, step-by-step, how to play a simple tune by reading sheet music and following the teacher’s hands. You will then learn about how rhythm is written and played before learning about Triad and Seventh chords, again following the theory and practical aspects of this with your video tutor.

In addition to the lessons themselves, the Learn to Play the Piano – Beginners’ Video Course shows several finger exercises that will help to improve your playing and reduce any difficulty you have incorporating the techniques taught. To further your knowledge even more, the course also includes explanations and demonstrations of the various symbols that you will come across while reading sheet music.

This Course would suit

Anyone who has always wanted to play the piano but can’t find the time or make the commitment to taking lessons in person or doesn’t feel confident in doing so will find this beginner’s piano playing course to be extremely accessible. With the ability to pause lessons and repeat areas to improve comprehension, you can go through lessons at your own pace.

Studies have proven that learning to play an instrument boosts brain function in several areas of the brain (memory, co-ordination, concentration, etc.). It also improves other useful life skills (reading and comprehension, perseverance, time management and organisation). So, investing time in learning to play an instrument will help you in your other learning endeavours. It’s also a lot of fun and an excellent gift for anyone you know who may have been putting off learning.

Qualification obtained

The Learn to Play the Piano - Beginners Video Course will take you up to 150 hours to complete working from home. There is no time limit for completing this course, it can be studied in your own time at your own pace.

This course is certified by the IANLPC (International Association of NLP & Coaching) and the IAHT (International Alliance of Holistic Therapists), both of which are internationally recognised organisations. The IAHT certify personal development, health, fitness and nutrition courses. The IANLPC is a global support network for NLP Professionals and coaches, including the fields of Life Coaching, Hypnotherapy Business Coaching, Leadership, Nutritional, CBT, Personal Development and Holistic Therapy.

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The Centre of Excellence
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