centre of excellence

centre of excellence
Piccadilly Plaza
Manchester City Centre

Home Education Diploma Course

Home Education Diploma Course

Whats Involved

10 Modules

Certified Course
Accredited Course
Online study
Tutor support
No time limit for completing your course
150 hours of study

The Home Education Diploma Course helps students to understand how to go about educating their children themselves. The comprehensive materials will answer most, if not all, of your questions about the topic, including the pros and cons of home-schooling.

With 5 million children worldwide being home educated, including an estimated 50,000 to 100,000 in the UK, which is also estimated to rise by 80% annually, more parents are exercising their right to educate their children themselves.

Students will learn how to begin home schooling your child, as well as letting you know what is required of you to do so and informing you of any educational bodies who you may, or may not, need to inform of your decision.

The Home Education Diploma Course outlines the positives, as well as the negatives, so that parents can make an informed decision on whether this is the best fit for them and their children.

‘Home Education’ does not mean one single way of teaching a child, but is rather a spectrum term that includes many different methods and theories to provide an education that fits their child. As a home educator, you can adapt your teaching to the way your child learns, so that they gain the most from the learning experience. The Home Education Diploma Course covers the various ways of learning, going through each of the following: Visual / Spatial, Verbal / Linguistic, Aural (Auditory/Musical), Physical / Kinaesthetic, Solitary (Intrapersonal), Social (Interpersonal), Logical / Mathematics, and Naturalist learning.

You will need materials and resources with which to teach. Fortunately, you can pick and choose from all the materials available in the world. The course teaches parents about some of the more common types of materials and suggests other ways that lessons can be taught, to give a more involved learning experience.

Although the need to plan each lesson is not as great as in traditional education (as you will not be teaching 20-30 children), some lessons achieve their intention more succinctly by being planned. The course talks about which lessons lend themselves well to being planned and provides several lesson plans covering different subjects, for parents to use and adapt to fit their children’s needs.

You may still have a number of questions on the subject of home education. We list some of the most common questions and answers them in-depth; dispelling the myths and incorrect beliefs surrounding the topic.

As the person who will be responsible for your children’s education, you need to be sure that it is the right choice, not only for your child/children and your family but also for you. The final module of the course talks parents through additional research, considerations, and questions you should ask yourself before making the decision to home educate.

The course ends with a conclusion and, although it is not a necessity for home educated children, a National Curriculum is also included, should some wish to use it as a way of determining when certain skills should be taught or learned.

This Course would suit

The Home Education Diploma Course is an excellent resource for parents who have been considering home schooling their child/children, as this course will answer their questions and provide a useful guide on how to get started. It is also ideal for parents who are already educating their children from home and want to improve or consolidate their existing teaching skills and experience.

Qualification obtained

The Home Education Diploma Course will take you up to 150 hours to complete working from home. There is no time limit for completing this course, it can be studied in your own time at your own pace.

This course is registered with the CMA (Complementary Medical Association), which is internationally recognised as the elite force in professional, ethical complementary medicine by professional practitioners, doctors and, increasingly, by the general public. Upon completion of the course you can gain membership to the CMA, which in addition to supplying a professional accreditation, offers a number of benefits, all of which can be found here.

This course is certified by the IANLPC (International Association of NLP & Coaching) and the IAHT (International Alliance of Holistic Therapists), both of which are internationally recognised organisations. The IAHT certify personal development, health, fitness and nutrition courses. The IANLPC is a global support network for NLP Professionals and coaches, including the fields of Life Coaching, Hypnotherapy Business Coaching, Leadership, Nutritional, CBT, Personal Development and Holistic Therapy.

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The Centre of Excellence
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